SKU: 3091-18

Relocation of old houses


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Weight 0.35 kg
Part of a series





Göran Gudmundsson


Gysinge Center for Building Conservation

Moving Old Houses is the first book in the series – Building Conservation in Practice.

The book describes, step by step, how the work of moving an old house is done. Documentation, research into the history of the house, marking, demolition and reconstruction. The construction of the log house, from foundation and frame to finishes and permanent fixtures, is also described in detail. The book is compulsory reading for anyone intending to move an old wooden house, but even if you are only renovating a wooden house on site, you will get a lot of valuable advice.

Various principles of reconstruction are discussed, as well as the choice of craftsmen and methods and materials for interior renovation. Invaluable knowledge for those working with older houses.


Moving Old Houses is the first book in the series – Building Conservation in Practice.

The book describes, step by step, how the work of moving an old house is done. Documentation, research into the history of the house, marking, demolition and reconstruction. The construction of the log house, from foundation and frame to finishes and permanent fixtures, is also described in detail. The book is compulsory reading for anyone intending to move an old wooden house, but even if you are only renovating a wooden house on site, you will get a lot of valuable advice.

Various principles of reconstruction are discussed, as well as the choice of craftsmen and methods and materials for interior renovation. Invaluable knowledge for those working with older houses.

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Weight 0.35 kg
Part of a series





Göran Gudmundsson


Gysinge Center for Building Conservation


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