SKU: 3091-37

Painted floors


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Weight 0.35 kg
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Göran Gudmundsson


P Wennberg + J Persson


Gysinge Center for Building Conservation

“Painted Floors” is the fifth book in the “Building Care in Practice” series.

It covers all kinds of wooden floors, both indoor and outdoor. From barn floors to checkered 18th century floors and solid colored floors from the 19th and 20th centuries.

The last floor among the book’s examples was painted just a few years ago. A living tradition, then! The book is practically organized and above all intended to serve as a solid instruction for those who want to paint themselves.

Richly illustrated with scale models, color recipes and other tips. The visual material consists of photos, drawings and watercolors.


“Painted Floors” is the fifth book in the “Building Care in Practice” series.

It covers all kinds of wooden floors, both indoor and outdoor. From barn floors to checkered 18th century floors and solid colored floors from the 19th and 20th centuries.

The last floor among the book’s examples was painted just a few years ago. A living tradition, then! The book is practically organized and above all intended to serve as a solid instruction for those who want to paint themselves.

Richly illustrated with scale models, color recipes and other tips. The visual material consists of photos, drawings and watercolors.

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Weight 0.35 kg
Part of a series





Göran Gudmundsson


P Wennberg + J Persson


Gysinge Center for Building Conservation


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