The favorite color of the rococo and the common people has many names; dala blue, pigeon blue, gray blue. We call it ‘common blue’ because it was so dominant in the interior painting of the common people in the 18th and 19th centuries. The color is not normally broken.
Nearest NCS S 5010-B70G
ATTENTION! The color reproduction on the screen does not correspond 100% to reality.
Content: Boiled, cold-pressed linseed oil. Pigment.
Features: Completely solvent-free. Easy to renew and maintain. Thin and lightweight. very thick Good hiding power. Excellent color fastness. Good adhesion. Penetrates deeply into the substrate.
Intended for: Outdoors on wood, sheet metal and iron. Excellent also on top of old linseed oil paint. Indoors: Wood, plaster, iron, etc. Suitable for both dry and damp areas.
Gloss: Shiny as freshly painted, but goes down to semi-matt after a few months. Can be matted faster by adding solvent in the last coat.
Thinner: Can be thinned with boiled linseed oil and/or turpentine. If you want to avoid thinners completely, just spread the paint thinner.
Linseed oil: Linseed oil is of the highest quality, produced in unbroken tradition in the same factory since 1839. The cold-pressed linseed oil is boiled according to tradition to minimize mold growth.
Painting instructions: Follow the instructions on the can or read our article in Building Care – Do it yourself here on the website.
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