SKU: 3091-27-1

How the villa was built 1890-2010


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Cecilia Björk, Lars Nordling, Laila Reppen


Swedish Construction Service



Så byggdes villan is a unique exposé of a significant part of our cultural heritage – the everyday architecture of villa construction in Sweden. The book shows typical villas and characteristic building details decade by decade, from the first villas built in the 1890s to villas built in the first decade of the 2000s. Style ideals have varied over different time periods. Architecture, floor plans, structures and interiors have changed with the times. The general features of this development are shown here through a variety of new accurate illustrations in scale. Each villa has its own history and its own conditions. For the homeowner who wants to renovate his house with period carpentry, there is a drawing section with carpentry and building details, such as floor plinths, window linings and ceiling moldings.

Author: Cecilia Björk. Lars Nordling. Laila Reppen. Publisher: Svensk Byggtjänst. Pages 336


Så byggdes villan is a unique exposé of a significant part of our cultural heritage – the everyday architecture of villa construction in Sweden. The book shows typical villas and characteristic building details decade by decade, from the first villas built in the 1890s to villas built in the first decade of the 2000s. Style ideals have varied over different time periods. Architecture, floor plans, structures and interiors have changed with the times. The general features of this development are shown here through a variety of new accurate illustrations in scale. Each villa has its own history and its own conditions. For the homeowner who wants to renovate his house with period carpentry, there is a drawing section with carpentry and building details, such as floor plinths, window linings and ceiling moldings.

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Weight 1.65 kg

Cecilia Björk, Lars Nordling, Laila Reppen


Swedish Construction Service




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