

Private: Glesripsmatta, röd-vitrutig

I en second handaffär i Dalarna hittade vi en gång denna glesripsmatta från tiden runt sekelskiftet 1900. Mattan är klassiskt rutmönstrad med mattvarp i två kulörer och med inslag av gamla, väl tvättade, vita mattrasor i bomull. Typen är mycket speciell, genom att den kombinerar ripsmattans ljusa elegans och effektfulla rutmönster med trasmattans stadiga och rustika karaktär. Glesripsmattan passar därför både i enklare och finare sammanhang och kan användas både som sommar- och vintermatta.


Private: Glesripsmatta, rutig, svart-vit per meter

I en second handaffär i Dalarna hittade vi en gång denna glesripsmatta från tiden runt sekelskiftet 1900. Mattan är klassiskt rutmönstrad med mattvarp i två kulörer och med inslag av gamla, väl tvättade, vita mattrasor i bomull. Typen är mycket speciell, genom att den kombinerar ripsmattans ljusa elegans och effektfulla rutmönster med trasmattans stadiga och rustika karaktär. Glesripsmattan passar därför både i enklare och finare sammanhang och kan användas både som sommar- och vintermatta.


Private: Glitter Silver


Goblets, wine

The 18th century beaker-shaped drinking glasses are very rare. Occasionally, you can see a specimen at quality auctions in Stockholm. A few glasses are also preserved in Swedish museum collections.

The glasses are similar in shape to silver goblets from the same period. They have the same trumpet shape, they have the same folded mouth rim and the clearly marked heel is also similar to the foot of the silver goblets. There is no mistaking that beaker glasses are a more everyday version of silver goblets, even though glass goblets, like porcelain plates, were already a great luxury in the 18th century. What is surprising, however, is that so few beakers have survived, compared with, for example, wine glasses on feet. Perhaps this is because glass goblets were considered simpler than glasses on Our goblet glasses are hand-blown and they were used more frequently and therefore broke more often.

Our beakers are hand-blown and therefore as individual as the originals. The glass mass varies with uneven thickness, streaks, stripes and sometimes blisters. The dot mark under the heel shows where the glassblower’s pipe was located. The folded rim is also a typical 18th-century detail.

Available in three sizes. A large one for beer or juice. A medium size for wine, water or milk. And a small nubb glass. All three glasses are suitable as vases. The first tussilion in the nubb glass, a bunch of white or blue anemones in the wine glass, or a bouquet of summer flowers in the beer glass.



For the treatment of pine and spruce floors and parquet floors. Also suitable for brick and stone floors. A much better alternative than floor varnish for old houses. Provides a strong silky matt and easy-to-clean surface. Can also be used in public spaces. Easy to repair and maintain (the floor does not need to be re-sanded). Before the oil has hardened, it can be sensitive to water splashes and dirt.

Instructions for use are included. Otherwise, you can read our article Floor oil under construction bathroom care – do it yourself. Our book Painted Floors also contains all common floor treatments, with material and workmanship descriptions and pictures.


Private: GÖR OM FD BILD + TEXT Portgångjärn 1700-tal 35 cm


Grey loaf cardboard

Used for wallpapering in the way that was common before cellulose paper and before paper was produced in rolls. See instructions for use in our article on rag paper.

Cardboard made from recycled textile and cellulose fiber.


Private: Grind- och portstopp

Grindstolpar som rör sig, grindgångjärn som slits ner, grindar som sjunker, allt detta påverkar om en grind går i lås eller inte. I sådana besvärliga lägen är en gammaldags grindstopp betydligt bättre än ett ordinärt grindlås. En grindstopp är tung och tyngden gör att den sjunker ordentligt ner i marken av sig själv. Man behöver alltså inte göra något speciellt hål för den. Den spetsiga avslutningen gör att den sitter fast även i blåsiga lägen och på hård markyta. Har man en pargrind utan grindlås monterar man en grindstopp på varje grindhalva. Har man redan ett grindlås på ena halvan blir grindstoppen det perfekta sättet att få den fasta halvan att stå stilla. Ytterligare en fördel med grindstoppen är att grinden kan låsas i öppet läge. I vilket läge man än väljer att ha grinden så sitter den stadigt fast med en grindstopp. Grindstoppen har ytterligare en självklar användning så som stopp till uthusportar och dörrar.

Grindstoppen monteras med speciella platta märlor som medföljer (förborra!) och lämnas omålad, eller målas in i grindens färg.



Private: Gysinge egendom


Private: Gysinge såpaspray refill, 1 liter

Gysinge Såpaspray är baserad på Gysingesåpa Originalet och färdig att använda. En miljövänlig, effektiv och skonsam rengöringssspray att använda på alla ytor i hemmet. Perfekt i köket på spishällen, bänkskivor, matbord eller på utemöbeln. Den återfettar samt skyddar trä- och stenytor. 

Gör så här: Spraya Gysinge Såpaspray på nedsmutsad yta, låt verka en stund och torka av med fuktig trasa. Eftertorka med en torr trasa för extra finish. Obs! Används med försiktighet på linoljefärgsmålade ytor

Tillverkas av odlat lin av högsta kvalitet.  Biologiskt lätt nedbrytbart. Fritt från konserveringsmedel och andra tillsatser. 

Flaska gjord av återvunnen plast. Återvinn som plastförpackning. Skruva av spraymunstycket på förpackningen för att underlätta återvinningen.

Innehåll: <5% förtvålad linfröolja, <0.1% parfym, vatten. pH-värde ca 11. Certifierad med Svanens Nordiska Miljömärkning. Licensnummer: 3026 0202.



Highly absorbent cloth in full linen. Linen dries faster than cotton or synthetics and avoids the typically sour scent of harvest cloth. The cloth is woven from unbleached linen yarn using the Cypress technique, a weaving technique that produces a looser and more flexible cloth than modern ones. Unbleached linen also absorbs moisture much better than bleached linen. The cloth has a sturdy sewn-on hanger, which makes it easy to hang on a hook after use.

Because the Gysing cloth is woven in a traditional shuttle loom with the same weft thread running back and forth in the weave – not cut at the edges as in modern robot looms – it has a real selvedge and the cloth lasts longer.

In fact, the Gysinget cloth is like an old-fashioned coarse linen towel, the kind that used to hang in barns, and for those who need a coarse towel, it can of course still be used as such. With its discreet goose eye pattern and real selvedge, it is also useful as a tablecloth. Few textiles are smoother and shinier after mangling than Gysingetrasan. Otherwise, Gysinget cloth is primarily designed for floor cutting. Because it is large and sturdy, you can soak and rinse the floors much more effectively than with small, modern cloths. It is also excellent in the shower, as a mat in the bathroom and generally in wet areas where you want to keep dry.


Private: Halvkakel fasad kant, enstaka

Halvkakel med fasade kanter för en helkomponerad kakelsättning. Halvkaklet passar till Gysingekaklet och fungerar som avslutning vid s.k. halvförband.

Svenskt handgjort kakel. Vitglaserat för hand. Höjd 7,5 cm, längd 15 cm, tjocklek ca 1,4 cm.

Ett fasat kakel för badrum och kök av en modell som var vanlig i Sverige i slutet av 1800-talet och till i början av 1900-talet. Flera svenska kakeltillverkare fanns vid tiden, bland andra Ekeby bruk i Uppsala.

Det som skiljer det svenska kaklet från de internationella modellerna är att svenska plattor oftast är kvadratiska och inte rektangulära och att kaklet finns i så många delar, bland annat halvkakel, bårder och lister, så att man kan åstadkomma en helkomponerad uppsättning. 


Private: Halvmånebord litet


Hand brush

Ideal hand scrub brush with reasonably hard bristles. Intended for scrubbing wooden floors but is also perfect for brushing down old sludge paint.

Wooden frame with hard bristles. Length 22 cm, width 6 cm, height 4 cm


Private: Hand planed cornice per meter

The cornice is part of a complete series of hand-planed carpentry for a room from the 18th century to the first half of the 19th century.

The price is per meter.


Hand-forged nail 1.5″

So-called small nails, or pine nails, intended for normal carpentry needs, such as nailing of roof and wall panels, floors, linings, plinths, etc. in environments from before the middle of the 19th century. Hand-forged nails were replaced in the latter half of the 19th century by so-called rock nails.

When choosing the length of the nail, it is usually said that 1/3 should be in the board and at least 2/3 in the joist.

In general, the hand-forged nail can be divided into the following categories of use:

  • 1-1.5 inches Window fittings
  • 2 inches Hand-planed moldings, trim and other millwork
  • 3 inch wedge-sawn roof, wall and breast panels etc. internally. And for nailing wedge-sawn board lining on the outside.
  • 4 inches Larger board lining and for nailing cover strips on the outside.
  • 5 inch wedge-sawn floors etc. inside and for coarser joinery outside.


Hand-forged nail 1″

Hand-forged nail 1 inch.

When choosing the length of the nail, it is usually said that 1/3 should be in the board and at least 2/3 in the joist.

In general, the hand-forged nail can be divided into the following categories of use:

  • 1-1.5 inches Window fittings
  • 2 inches Hand-planed moldings, trim and other millwork
  • 3 inch wedge-sawn roof, wall and breast panels etc. internally. And for nailing wedge-sawn board lining on the outside.
  • 4 inches Larger board lining and for nailing cover strips on the outside.
  • 5 inch wedge-sawn floors etc. inside and for coarser joinery outside.


Hand-forged nail 2″

So-called small nails, or pine nails, intended for normal carpentry needs, such as nailing of roof and wall panels, floors, linings, plinths, etc. in environments from before the middle of the 19th century. Hand-forged nails were replaced in the latter half of the 19th century by so-called rock nails.

When choosing the length of the nail, it is usually said that 1/3 should be in the board and at least 2/3 in the joist.

In general, the hand-forged nail can be divided into the following categories of use:

  • 1-1.5 inches Window fittings
  • 2 inches Hand-planed moldings, trim and other millwork
  • 3 inch wedge-sawn roof, wall and breast panels etc. internally. And for nailing wedge-sawn board lining on the outside.
  • 4 inches Larger board lining and for nailing cover strips on the outside.
  • 5 inch wedge-sawn floors etc. inside and for coarser joinery outside.


Hand-forged nail 3″

So-called small nails, or pine nails, intended for normal carpentry needs, such as nailing of roof and wall panels, floors, linings, plinths, etc. in environments from before the middle of the 19th century. Hand-forged nails were replaced in the latter half of the 19th century by so-called rock nails.

When choosing the length of the nail, it is usually said that 1/3 should be in the board and at least 2/3 in the joist.

In general, the hand-forged nail can be divided into the following categories of use:

  • 1-1.5 inches Window fittings
  • 2 inches Hand-planed moldings, trim and other millwork
  • 3 inch wedge-sawn roof, wall and breast panels etc. internally. And for nailing wedge-sawn board lining on the outside.
  • 4 inches Larger board lining and for nailing cover strips on the outside.
  • 5 inch wedge-sawn floors etc. inside and for coarser joinery outside.


Hand-forged nail 4″

So-called small nails, or pine nails, intended for normal carpentry needs, such as nailing of roof and wall panels, floors, linings, plinths, etc. in environments from before the middle of the 19th century. Hand-forged nails were replaced in the latter half of the 19th century by so-called rock nails.

When choosing the length of the nail, it is usually said that 1/3 should be in the board and at least 2/3 in the joist.

In general, the hand-forged nail can be divided into the following categories of use:

1-1.5 inches Window fittings

2 inches Hand-planed moldings, trim and other millwork

3 inch wedge-sawn roof, wall and breast panels etc. internally. And for nailing wedge-sawn board lining on the outside.

4 inches Larger board lining and for nailing cover strips on the outside.

5 inch wedge-sawn floors etc. inside and for coarser joinery outside.


Hand-forged nail 5″

So-called small nails, or pine nails, intended for normal carpentry needs, such as nailing of roof and wall panels, floors, linings, plinths, etc. in environments from before the middle of the 19th century. Hand-forged nails were replaced in the latter half of the 19th century by so-called rock nails.

When choosing the length of the nail, it is usually said that 1/3 should be in the board and at least 2/3 in the joist.

In general, the hand-forged nail can be divided into the following categories of use:

  • 1-1.5 inches Window fittings
  • 2 inches Hand-planed moldings, trim and other millwork
  • 3 inch wedge-sawn roof, wall and breast panels etc. internally. And for nailing wedge-sawn board lining on the outside.
  • 4 inches Larger board lining and for nailing cover strips on the outside.
  • 5 inch wedge-sawn floors etc. inside and for coarser joinery outside.


Hand-forged nail 6″

So-called small nails, or pine nails, intended for normal carpentry needs, such as nailing of roof and wall panels, floors, linings, plinths, etc. in environments from before the middle of the 19th century. Hand-forged nails were replaced in the latter half of the 19th century by so-called rock nails.

When choosing the length of the nail, it is usually said that 1/3 should be in the board and at least 2/3 in the joist.

In general, the hand-forged nail can be divided into the following categories of use:

  • 1-1.5 inches Window fittings
  • 2 inches Hand-planed moldings, trim and other millwork
  • 3 inch wedge-sawn roof, wall and breast panels etc. internally. And for nailing wedge-sawn board lining on the outside.
  • 4 inches Larger board lining and for nailing cover strips on the outside.
  • 5 inch wedge-sawn floors etc. inside and for coarser joinery outside.


Hand-forged nail 7″

So-called small nails, or pine nails, intended for normal carpentry needs, such as nailing of roof and wall panels, floors, linings, plinths, etc. in environments from before the middle of the 19th century. Hand-forged nails were replaced in the latter half of the 19th century by so-called rock nails.

When choosing the length of the nail, it is usually said that 1/3 should be in the board and at least 2/3 in the joist.

In general, the hand-forged nail can be divided into the following categories of use:

  • 1-1.5 inches Window fittings
  • 2 inches Hand-planed moldings, trim and other millwork
  • 3 inch wedge-sawn roof, wall and breast panels etc. internally. And for nailing wedge-sawn board lining on the outside.
  • 4 inches Larger board lining and for nailing cover strips on the outside.
  • 5 inch wedge-sawn floors etc. inside and for coarser joinery outside.


Hand-forged nail 8″

So-called small nails, or pine nails, intended for normal carpentry needs, such as nailing of roof and wall panels, floors, linings, plinths, etc. in environments from before the middle of the 19th century. Hand-forged nails were replaced in the latter half of the 19th century by so-called rock nails.

When choosing the length of the nail, it is usually said that 1/3 should be in the board and at least 2/3 in the joist.

In general, the hand-forged nail can be divided into the following categories of use:

  • 1-1.5 inches Window fittings
  • 2 inches Hand-planed moldings, trim and other millwork
  • 3 inch wedge-sawn roof, wall and breast panels etc. internally. And for nailing wedge-sawn board lining on the outside.
  • 4 inches Larger board lining and for nailing cover strips on the outside.
  • 5 inch wedge-sawn floors etc. inside and for coarser joinery outside.


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