

Private: ? Spruddiluren och elakingarna


Private: ? TEXT Ankarkrok, mässing

Tidstypisk klädkrok i ankarform från tiden omkring 1900. Knubbig, rejäl, massiv mässing med tre skruvhål.

Användes vanligen som hatthyllekrok, men praktisk även som handdukshängare i ett badrum med rejäla hyllor (handdukarna luftas och torkar bättre om de inte hänger direkt mot vägg).

Sandgjuten mässing av högsta hantverkskvalitet. Bredd 50mm, höjd 63mm, diameter 44mm. Skruv ingår



The 1940s and 50s favorite among Swedish outdoor lamps is a white opal glass globe on a straight cast iron arm.

The round glass globe gives this lamp a material feeling of class. Light years from aluminum and plastic.

In a white glass globe like this, you can even hide a boring low-energy lamp completely invisible!

Lamp body made of anti-corrosion painted cast iron. Graphite gray color. Globe of white opal glass. Length 34cm, height 28cm, thread size 8.45cm, diameter 18cm. 230V. Watt 75. IP class 44. Wood screw included.


80 grit sandpaper

Sandpaper made of specially coated paper that makes the paper tough and extra durable. The paper does not break when wrapped around the edges of a sanding block. Can also be used on a sander. Suitable for sanding wood, metal and filler.


Abrasive kit for paint scrapers

Sharpen the blades of your paint scrapers and keep them sharp for more effective paint scraping.

This sharpening kit, specially designed for sharpening scraper blades for speedheater window scrapers, includes 2-pack ceramic abrasive cloths and a simple blade holder for easier sharpening.


Acorn hinge 74x70x2 left

Solid chair hinge with acorn knob, left. Suitable for windows, cabinet and wardrobe doors.

Model from around 1880 to the end of the 1920s. Acorn-shaped spigots typical of the period. Available in both left and right versions. High quality.

Height excl. knobs 74 mm, width unfolded 70 mm, Thickness 2 mm. Untreated iron.

Model: Left

TIP! Here’s how to find out if you need right- or left-hinged hinges – Close and check! A closed door with hinges visible on the right is right-hinged. Similarly, a closed door with hinges visible on the left is left-hung.


Acorn hinge 74x70x2 right

Solid chair hinge with acorn knob, right. Suitable for windows, cabinet and wardrobe doors.

Model from around 1880 to the end of the 1920s. Acorn-shaped spigots typical of the period. Available in both left and right versions. High quality.

Height excl. knobs 74 mm, width unfolded 70 mm, Thickness 2 mm. Untreated iron.

Model: Right

Suitable screw: Screw 13

TIP! Here’s how to find out if you need right- or left-hinged hinges – Close and check! A closed door with hinges visible on the right is right-hinged. Similarly, a closed door with hinges visible on the left is left-hung.


Private: Advent calendar Jenny Nyström

Advent calendar is available in three different classic Christmas motifs by Jenny Nyström. The front is sprinkled with silver glitter.

Seasonal product.


Private: Adventsstjärna klassisk


Agave in copper sheet 15 leaves

The agave plant (Latin agave americana) is a classic outdoor plant for more lavish plantings in castles and mansions, for example.

True agave is a Mediterranean plant that in our climate requires greenhouses in winter. For this reason, it has also only been found on wealthier farms with orangeries or other means of frost-free winter storage.

Most often the agaves were planted in cast iron urns, mostly in pairs at the main entrance, or on the gate posts.

Alongside the genuine agaves, there have also been imitations in painted black plate.

Tin roofs do not grow too big. They can also withstand freezing temperatures. If they are skillfully painted, they can look so much like their predecessors that no one can tell the difference. There’s just one problem – over time, the metal rusts and the paint wears off.

Our developed agaves are therefore made of specially colored copper sheet. By using green-colored copper plate already during production, we have come extremely close to the appearance of the original plant.

The scarring starts when the plants are placed outdoors, and the resulting color changes make the “fake” agave look even more like the real thing over the years.

The tin roofs, which are a piece of qualified Swedish copper warehousing, are delivered ready assembled, just to stick into a pot with sand or soil, or directly into the bed.


Almond Branch Brush Oil

In its original recipe from 1779, brush oil is known as ‘painter’s varnish’. It is traditionally heated in open vats at high temperatures, but contains no drying agents. This product differs from our other traditionally boiled linseed oils in that it dries more slowly, and in particular the drying process in the surface layer is slow.

In the 18th century, the product was used to grate the color pastes. They could then be stored for a longer time without drying out. We call it brush oil, because it’s great for storing brushes during painting projects. Brush oil keeps brushes soft without the drawbacks of raw linseed oil, which can cause matting, blistering and running. At the end of the day, wipe the paint off the brush with a cloth and place it in the brush oil. The next day, or even after three months, the brush will be just as soft, no skin will have formed on the oil and you can simply wipe the oil off with a cloth and continue painting.

Brush oil can also be used as an additive to paint for decorative painting to increase the open time of the paint, or as an anti-shine agent. A thin layer is dripped over finished paints or color pastes to make them last longer.


Anchor hook 8133 Brass

Anchor hook, model J G Ljungbergs Metallfabrik N:o 28, from the period 1900 – 1960.

Screw not included

Matching screw number 8


Anchor hook 8133 nickel plated

Anchor hook, model J G Ljungbergs Metallfabrik N:o 28, from the period 1900 – 1960.

Screw not included

Matching screw number 19


Anchor hook, brass

Contemporary clothes hook in anchor form from around 1900. Chubby, sturdy, solid brass with two screw holes.

Usually used as a hat rack hook, but also practical as a towel rack in a bathroom with sturdy shelves. The towels air and dry better if they are not hung directly against the wall.


Anchor hook, iron wire

Anchor hook made of nickel-plated iron in a whimsical design for hat racks and more. Model from the turn of the century 1900.

Nickel-plated iron wire. Height 61mm, width 90mm

TIP for installation: pre-drill with a suitable (slightly smaller) drill bit. Do not screw the hook in further than it stops, otherwise you risk breaking the hook.


Anchor hook, nickel-plated

Contemporary clothes hook in anchor form from around 1900. Sturdy, solid hook in nickel-plated brass with two screw holes.

Usually used as a hat rack hook, but also practical as a towel rack in a bathroom with sturdy shelves. The towels air and dry better if they are not hung directly against the wall.


Private: Änglahår vitt


Private: Änglaspel mässing


Private: Änglaspelsljus 20 pack


Private: Änglaspelsljus styck


Angle baffle

Angle lock plate of iron. For locks of the turn of the century type 1900. For lock bolt max 12 x 40 mm. Fits both right and left locks.


Angle brush

Angle brush with wooden handle, designed for painting with linseed oil paint in hard-to-reach places, e.g. under outdoor roof cracks.

Length 38 cm. Width 75 mm. Black hog bristle. High quality.


Angle end plate 18th century type

Angle strike plate for 18th century type chamber locks without night bolt. Available in several designs that fit our different variants of 18th century chamber locks.


Antenna socket porcelain complete

Porcelain aerial socket. White porcelain. Builds 13 mm outside the wall.


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