SKU: 3091-6

Log house, writing


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Supervision and repair. No building type has such historical roots as the log house. It has been a house for both the common man and the gentry and has come to characterize our older building environment to a great extent.

The report shows how log houses can be cared for and repaired to preserve their heritage value. The key is careful supervision and repairs that are adapted to the authentic log technique.

The report is written for both property owners and construction professionals. Richly illustrated.

Publisher: Swedish National Heritage Board Authors: Henrik Kjellberg and Uno Söderberg. Published in 2012


Supervision and repair. No building type has such historical roots as the log house. It has been a house for both the common man and the gentry and has come to characterize our older building environment to a great extent.

The report shows how log houses can be cared for and repaired to preserve their heritage value. The key is careful supervision and repairs that are adapted to the authentic log technique.

The report is written for both property owners and construction professionals. Richly illustrated.

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Weight 0.2 kg



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