SKU: 2131

Lejonkruka liten


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Blue, Gray, Green, Yellow, White

Innan blomkrukstillverkningen blev industri i Sverige runt sekelskiftet 1900 fanns en mängd krukmakare som bland annat gjorde blomkrukor. Typiskt för deras handgjorda krukor är att man ser avtryck från krukmakarens händer i godset. Handdrejningen ger nämligen låga åsar på ytan som avtecknar sig både på ut- och insidan.

En handdrejad kruka är alltså inte lika stel som en maskinkruka, den är mer personlig och har mer liv och variation. En detalj som också avslöjar det riktiga hantverket är den mjuka, runda kanten upptill. Den kan förvisso också tillverkas i maskin, men blir aldrig lika mjuk och individuell som på en handdrejad kruka.

På Gysinges små lejonkrukor sitter också två lejonmaskaroner på bröstet, en vanlig dekoration i början av 1800-talet.

Handdrejade krukor och fat och med klassiska glasyrer. Bränd i lergodstemperatur vilket kan medföra krackeleringar i glasyren över tid. Glasyrkopparoxid eller tennoxid. Hål i botten för vattenavrinning. Diameter kruka samt fat ca 16 centimeter, höjd ca 15 centimeter.

TIPS! Då krukorna är gjorda i lera är de inte helt täta. Ställ gärna krukan på tassar eller liknande för att undvika fukt under fatet. Vi rekommenderar inte plantering direkt i krukan.


Innan blomkrukstillverkningen blev industri i Sverige runt sekelskiftet 1900 fanns en mängd krukmakare som bland annat gjorde blomkrukor. Typiskt för deras handgjorda krukor är att man ser avtryck från krukmakarens händer i godset. Handdrejningen ger nämligen låga åsar på ytan som avtecknar sig både på ut- och insidan.

En handdrejad kruka är alltså inte lika stel som en maskinkruka, den är mer personlig och har mer liv och variation. En detalj som också avslöjar det riktiga hantverket är den mjuka, runda kanten upptill. Den kan förvisso också tillverkas i maskin, men blir aldrig lika mjuk och individuell som på en handdrejad kruka.

På Gysinges små lejonkrukor sitter också två lejonmaskaroner på bröstet, en vanlig dekoration i början av 1800-talet.

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Weight N/A

Blue, Gray, Green, Yellow, White


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Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

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Hand-turned flowerpots and saucers of the traditional variety. Flowerpot production became an industry and mass production in Sweden around the turn of the century 1900. Before then, all pots were made by hand, as were the saucers. The profession was called pottery. Typical of handmade pots is that you can see the potter’s hands in the ware. The imprints from the hand-turning process create low ridges on the surface and show through on the outside. A hand-turned pot is therefore not as smooth as a machine pot, it is more personal and has more life and variety. A detail that also reveals the real craftsmanship is the soft, rounded rim at the top. It can certainly be made by machine, but it will never be as soft and individual as on a hand-turned pot.


Flower pot red

Hand-turned flower pot with barrel of traditional variety. Red flower pot that was developed as a special product for Christmas a few years ago but is now part of the regular range.

Flowerpot production became an industry and mass production in Sweden around the turn of the century 1900. Before then, all pots were made by hand, as were the saucers. The profession was called pottery.

Typical of handmade pots is that you can see the potter’s hands in the ware. The imprints from the hand-turning process create low ridges on the surface and show through on the outside. A hand-turned pot is therefore not as smooth as a machine pot, it is more personal and has more life and variety.

A detail that also reveals the real craftsmanship is the soft, rounded rim at the top. It can certainly be made by machine, but it will never be as soft and individual as on a hand-turned pot.


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Lion pot large

Hand-thrown. Yellow-burning clay fired at earthenware temperature, which makes the clay mobile and often causes cracking over time, which makes the pot even more authentic. Delivered unbored as the original.

Glaze: copper oxide or tin oxide.

Tips! As the pots are made of clay, they are not completely watertight. Place the pot on paws or similar to avoid moisture underneath.


Agave in copper sheet 15 leaves

The agave plant (Latin agave americana) is a classic outdoor plant for more lavish plantings in castles and mansions, for example.

True agave is a Mediterranean plant that in our climate requires greenhouses in winter. For this reason, it has also only been found on wealthier farms with orangeries or other means of frost-free winter storage.

Most often the agaves were planted in cast iron urns, mostly in pairs at the main entrance, or on the gate posts.

Alongside the genuine agaves, there have also been imitations in painted black plate.

Tin roofs do not grow too big. They can also withstand freezing temperatures. If they are skillfully painted, they can look so much like their predecessors that no one can tell the difference. There’s just one problem – over time, the metal rusts and the paint wears off.

Our developed agaves are therefore made of specially colored copper sheet. By using green-colored copper plate already during production, we have come extremely close to the appearance of the original plant.

The scarring starts when the plants are placed outdoors, and the resulting color changes make the “fake” agave look even more like the real thing over the years.

The tin roofs, which are a piece of qualified Swedish copper warehousing, are delivered ready assembled, just to stick into a pot with sand or soil, or directly into the bed.


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