SKU: 3091-11

How crofts and farms are renovated


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The book tells in an easy-to-understand and inspiring way, in text and pictures, how to carefully care for and repair old houses. The measures suggested aim to restore a house as faithfully as possible to its original state. Old tried and tested materials and methods are discussed, with a special chapter devoted to gardens and plants. Richly illustrated edition. A bible for building preservationists. 320 pages. Photos in b/w and in color.

Author/publisher: Hidemark O mfl/ICA bokförlag.


The book tells in an easy-to-understand and inspiring way, in text and pictures, how to carefully care for and repair old houses. The measures suggested aim to restore a house as faithfully as possible to its original state. Old tried and tested materials and methods are discussed, with a special chapter devoted to gardens and plants. Richly illustrated edition. A bible for building preservationists. 320 pages. Photos in b/w and in color.

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Weight 1.25 kg


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