So-called small nails, or pine nails, intended for normal carpentry needs, such as nailing of roof and wall panels, floors, linings, plinths, etc. in environments from before the middle of the 19th century. Hand-forged nails were replaced in the latter half of the 19th century by so-called rock nails.
When choosing the length of the nail, it is usually said that 1/3 should be in the board and at least 2/3 in the joist.
In general, the hand-forged nail can be divided into the following categories of use:
1-1.5 inches Window fittings
2 inches Hand-planed moldings, trim and other millwork
3 inch wedge-sawn roof, wall and breast panels etc. internally. And for nailing wedge-sawn board lining on the outside.
4 inches Larger board lining and for nailing cover strips on the outside.
5 inch wedge-sawn floors etc. inside and for coarser joinery outside.
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