Cardboard and cardboard tension


Cardboard corners 110 cm

Cardboard corners for stiffening corners in connection with new clamping of wallboard, or in connection with renovation of cardboard clamped walls. Provides sharp and smooth corners.



Gysinge’s own Swedish chipboard of superb long-fiber, wear-resistant quality, corresponding to the classic “Dalpilen No 1”.

The chipboard has a brown side and a white side. The white side is primed with a diffusion-open white chalk paint and is used on the outside. In this way, you save on one coat of paint when you use it as roofing felt, for example.

Since the cardboard is “pre-primed”, one coat of primer and one coat of adhesive paint is all that is needed to obtain a white traditional cardboard adhesive roof.

A similar result, but in a much simpler way, can be achieved by applying a coat of matt white linseed oil paint.


Grey loaf cardboard

Used for wallpapering in the way that was common before cellulose paper and before paper was produced in rolls. See instructions for use in our article on rag paper.

Cardboard made from recycled textile and cellulose fiber.

Stubble strip 50 m

Strip for cardboard tensioning of roof and walls.


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