Building and renovating


Spinning valve

Spinning valve, newly cast after a model from the turn of the century 1900 in Gysinge’s possession. Intended for ventilation of foundations, so-called catholes, room valves in walls, etc. Note that the valve in the picture is treated with linseed oil and has a darker color than an untreated valve that is graphite gray in color.

Untreated sand-cast cast iron.

Fold dimensions: Height 145 mm. Width 145 mm. Depth 78 mm.
External dimensions: Height 175 mm. Width 175 mm.


Sponge brush

Fresh mushrooms lose flavor when rinsed in water – dirt and soil should therefore be brushed or cut away. This handy oiled birch and horsehair mushroom brush effectively removes dirt and debris without damaging the mushrooms.

The brush also works great as a bread brush when baking with molds with small and detailed patterns as the round shape makes it small and flexible.


Supervisor Nästgårds 3.5 meters

Classic profile planed handrail for 18th and early 19th century stairs. Cut to the appropriate length and nailed with hand-forged nails directly into the wall. No other fasteners are needed. Nice to hold. The original is set up in the steep staircase to the upper floor in Nästgårds.



Swivel, 40 mm

Hand-forged dowels for use in turning timber walls, for example. Two sizes. The stronger iron is intended to be driven in as a wedge between the logs and thus facilitate the work of driving the rope between the logs with the smaller iron. Once the gap has been filled with linen, the coarse driving iron is knocked aside and the timber collapses again. Lead hammers, a special tool that does not bounce and thus provides more power and force in the work, are used as striking tools for the driving iron.


Swivel, 50 mm

Hand-forged dowels for use in turning timber walls, for example. Two sizes. The stronger iron is intended to be driven in as a wedge between the logs and thus facilitate the work of driving the rope between the logs with the smaller iron. Once the gap has been filled with linen, the coarse driving iron is knocked aside and the timber collapses again. Lead hammers, a special tool that does not bounce and thus provides more power and force in the work, are used as striking tools for the driving iron.


Threshold iron 1000mm

Model: Tolvmansgården, Karlbo, Folkärna s:n W

Length 800 mm

Symmetrical screw placement. Hole pitch 150 mm

Screw included


Threshold iron 800mm

Model: Tolvmansgården, Karlbo, Folkärna s:n W

Length 800 mm

Symmetrical screw placement. Hole pitch 150 mm

Screw included


Through bolt iron

Through screw in iron. Suitable for our iron key plates and rosettes.


Through-bolt in brass

Brass through screw. Suitable for our brass rosettes and key plates.


Tile beveled edges 15x15cm 0,5 sqm

The Gysinge tile is a beveled tile for bathrooms and kitchens of a model that was common in Sweden in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Several Swedish tile manufacturers existed at the time, including Ekeby Bruk in Uppsala.

What distinguishes Swedish tiles from international models is that Swedish tiles are usually square, not rectangular, and that they are available in so many parts, including half-tiles, borders and moldings, that a complete set can be made. The tiles are thick and strong and have a vibrant surface precisely because they are handmade and fired in old kilns. The glazing is also done by hand, which further enhances the rustic impression. All tiles are labeled “Gysinge” on the back.


Tile beveled edges 15x15cm piece

The Gysinge tile is a beveled tile for bathrooms and kitchens of a model that was common in Sweden in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Several Swedish tile manufacturers existed at the time, including Ekeby Bruk in Uppsala.

What distinguishes Swedish tiles from international models is that Swedish tiles are usually square, not rectangular, and that the tiles come in so many parts, including half tiles, borders and moldings, that you can create a complete set.

The tile is thick and strong and has a vibrant surface, because it is made by hand and fired in old kilns. The glazing is also done by hand, which further enhances the rustic impression. All tiles are labeled “Gysinge” on the back.

Swedish-made handmade tile. White glazed by hand. Width 15cm, length 15cm, thickness 12mm, thickness edge 9mm


Tile breast strip 4×15 cm each

Breast strip for a contemporary finish to the tiling. Fits particularly well with our Gysinge tiles.

Gysinge tile is a beveled tile for bathrooms and kitchens of a model that was common in Sweden in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The tile is thick, strong and has a vibrant surface, because it is made by hand and fired in old kilns. The glazing is also done by hand, which further enhances the rustic impression. The color is bright white. All tiles are labeled “Gysinge” on the back.

Swedish made handmade breastplate. White glazed by hand. Length 150mm, height 40mm, thickness 28mm. Quantity 6.5pcs/m. The breastplate can be mitered in the corners.


Tile Prinsen smooth 15×15 cm 0,5 sqm

Prinsen is a completely smooth, handmade tile, with a vibrant and shimmering surface. A larger surface tiled with Prinsen gives the same shimmering impression as an old handmade tile stove. The tile can be combined with our corner and edge tiles or with our tile breast strip if you want a contemporary finish to the tiling.

Historically, in really lavish contexts at the turn of the 20th century, there could be fully tiled rooms, that is, tiled from floor to ceiling. An example of such an environment is the kitchen in Hallwylska palace in Stockholm and the kitchen at Waldemarsudde, known as the “Prince’s kitchen”, as well as a few others. Sometimes even the ceilings were tiled.

This was the case in the Hallwyl Palace, for example, and in the new luxurious bathrooms built by the bourgeoisie around the turn of the 20th century. Many people have thought that this type of tiling is from a later period, as the tiles are also smooth, but it is likely that the smooth surfaces were mostly for hygienic reasons.

The tiles would simply be easily wiped clean. The fact that the tiles are usually joined together with minimal grouting is further support for the theory that good hygiene has been pursued.

0.5sqm/22 tiles in one package. Swedish-made handmade tile. White glazed by hand. Width 15 cm, length 15 cm, thickness 1,1 -1,2cm.


Tile Prinsen smooth 15×15 cm each

A hand-glazed, fully smooth tile based on old models with the same vibrant and shimmering surface as all other handmade tiles sold by Gysinge. A larger surface tiled with “Prinsen” therefore gives the same shimmering impression as an old handmade tile stove. The tile is excellent to combine with our borders, or with our tile breast strip if you want a time-typical ending of the tiling.

At the turn of the 20th century, fully tiled rooms, i.e. tiled from floor to ceiling, could already be found in really lavish settings. Examples of such environments are the kitchen in Hallwylska palace in Stockholm, the kitchen at Waldemarsudde, what is called “The Prince’s Kitchen” and some others. Sometimes even the ceilings were tiled. This was the case at Hallwylska Palace, for example, and in the new luxurious bathrooms built by the bourgeoisie around the turn of the century 1900. Many people have thought that this type of tiling is from later times, as the tiles are also smooth, but there was probably a hygienic reason behind the smooth surfaces. The tiles would simply be easy to wipe clean. The fact that the tiles are usually joined together with minimal grouting is another factor that supports the theory that good hygiene was the aim.

Single piece. Swedish-made handmade tile. White glazed by hand. Width 15cm, length 15cm, thickness 1,1 -1,2 cm.


Wilderness Axe

The Gränsfors Wilderness Axe is a traditional scout and camping axe. The axe has the same head as the Kubben but with a longer handle. The longer handle gives the axe greater power when felling trees, for example. Practical to have in your backpack when you need a small axe with great power. The axe is capable of cutting fairly large branches or splitting smaller wood for the campfire. The shape of the axe guard, which also covers the upper part of the neck, prevents the axe head from rubbing against the backpack.


Window ornament

The pattern is inspired by the old blue mattress fabric.

Also, try putting a light behind the privacy screen so that the light filters in and gives a warm, cozy feeling to the room.

Painted in light gray color.


Yardstick 2 m

Meter stick of the traditional kind that shows centimeters. Hultafors classic, specially manufactured for Gysinge’s 30th anniversary. A must for every craftsman.

Classically made of glass birch with Swedish steel joints, which allow for thin sticks and a smooth meter stick.

Wood. Articulated. Stable. Length 24 cm. Measures 200 cm.


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