
Gysinge Byggnadsvård has a wide range of building care-related books.

Private: Gysinge soap, instruction card

A simple instructional postcard on how to scrub floors, wash decks with Gysinge soap. Includes step by step guide when you want to make a true classic scrub floor.

Building maintenance

How to get the time, advice and power to restore your home.

Join architectural historian Erika Åberg on her own house journey. Here she shares her experiences and best advice – from planning and strategies to practical projects. An old house or apartment with historical soul and atmosphere is a dream for many. A comfortable family life in a charming home with modern features, sound materials and beautiful details. But everyday life in an older building also means that there is always something to repair, replace or beautify.

Erika Åberg and her husband have been restoring their farm from scratch, inside and out, for just over a decade, and living family life with two young children in the meantime. How do you find the time, advice and energy?

In this book, she describes in ten chapters ten basic ways of thinking about building conservation and restoration. It covers everything from approaches to practical step-by-step moments.

The book shows you how to restore in a way that is sustainable; for the home, for the environment and for you and your family.


Building maintenance for apartments

Building Care for Apartments takes its starting point in the emergence of the modern city at the end of the 19th century and allows us to follow the development of the Swedish apartment decade by decade, until the end of the 1980s. By highlighting how political forces have interacted with aesthetic ideals and construction technology, the book provides a unique insight into why our homes look the way they do. From the design of residential areas and the appearance of facades, to the division of rooms, the colors of walls and the specific profiles of skirting boards. In an accessible way, you will learn about the rich history hidden behind the perhaps worn floors or flaking wallpaper.

The second part of the book consists of an extensive chapter devoted entirely to the practical aspects of renovation and apartment care. It presents concrete strategies for approaching and dealing with issues related to care and renovation, as well as practical tips on how best to proceed when faced with the need to restore or replace something.

Building Conservation for Apartments is an indispensable tool for anyone interested in preserving their apartment and its history.


Cinder blocks and cinder houses

Houses made of slag – many have never seen them, others stand in awe of the slag bricks that shimmer in blue, green, gray and even change color with the light. Intriguing structures, tiny lumps of iron, charcoal striations – what can’t you find when you take a closer look at the building material? What is it, many people ask today. When were the houses built? Why was cinder block made?

Slagstone is our first artificial building stone, used in ore fields as an alternative to building timber. The forest was needed for the production of charcoal, the fuel for smelting ore and the extraction of copper and iron. The metals were exported, bringing income to Sweden and raising people’s standard of living. Slag was a by-product of metal production. The metals have been sold around the world, the workplaces are closed down and gone – but the slag remains and tells us – about ores and technological development, about heavy manual labor and skilled craftsmanship. No two cinder blocks are the same. Never again can one be made.

DESCRIPTION The book aims to raise awareness of the buildings. The oldest ones date from the 18th century, the youngest from the early 20th century. They are churches or cellars and everything in between. The pictures aim to show how amazing the buildings are and the text provides information about their background, construction and care. The hope is that people will be inspired to take pride in the slag houses and care for these unique buildings, made from a material that is irreplaceable today.

TIP Don’t forget to take a look at our beautiful Bagarstuga in Gysinge, which is built of cinder block.


Colors of the Garden City

The Colors of the Garden City explains what is special about the centuries-old cultural environments of Bromma and other garden cities in Sweden. What is it that makes the garden city such an attractive form of living even for modern people? What gives character to the urban plan and to buildings and gardens from eras with different stylistic ideals? Learn the differences between the National Romanticism of the 1910s, the Neoclassicism of the 1920s and the Functionalism of the 1930s.

The authors began their mapping of garden cities in Sweden as early as the 1980s, by producing material with color schemes and character descriptions for typical houses of the time. Parts of the material are now in a permanent exhibition in Måleributiken in Alvik and have been shown at the City Museum 2013-2015.

The purpose of the book is to draw attention to the unique cultural values of the garden city for all of us and at the same time inspire you as a homeowner to learn more about architecture and coloring. A cultural environment needs to be protected and your house needs continuous care and attention. When repairing and renovating your house – make sure you do not damage the house due to ignorance.


Do over do right around the country with the Renovation Frenzy

Do it again, do it right – Around the country with Renoveringsraseriet by authors Gustav Bergström and Alfred Skogberg.

Over the past decades, we have seen container after container filled with our common building heritage. Beautiful 1950s kitchens are worn out and replaced by mass-produced ones, mouth-blown window glass ends up in landfills, and cheap, unmaintainable materials replace old and solid ones.

Since its inception in 2020, Renovation Fury has criticized careless renovations on their popular Facebook and Instagram accounts of the same name.

In this book, we follow the founders, Gustav Bergström and Alfred Skogberg, on a journey to twelve Swedish cities; from Kiruna in the north to Sölvesborg in the south. They talk to architects, urban planners and experts and point out both good examples and pure disasters.

Do it again, do it right is both a portrait of the times and a cry for help. Caring and preserving is not just about nostalgia, it’s a must if we want to achieve our climate goals. It’s high time we started to see the value of craftsmanship and quality, and realize that new is not always better!


Exterior renovation

“Exterior Renovation” is the third book in the series – Building Maintenance in Practice.

All stages of an exterior renovation are described in detail. Roofs, chimneys, walls, windows, doors, foundations, extensions, lighting and more are covered, based on old Swedish building traditions. The traditional materials and craft methods are presented.

It also shows the ways to restore the exterior of an old house, but also appropriate solutions for how to raise the technical standard of a house, without doing violence to the cultural-historical value.


Handbook for an old garden

Discover, preserve, recreate. A garden is in a state of constant change. Caring for an old garden is therefore not about freezing a state. Instead, it is about getting to know the garden in order to best preserve its various elements for the future.

In his role as a garden antiquarian, André Strömqvist has extensive experience of older environments and, as a gardener, the necessary practical knowledge.

He describes how we can find clues, interpret what we see and set a level of ambition that works. He guides us through the different parts of the garden in the form of flower beds, hedges, stone paths and fruit trees. He describes how we can go about caring for, restoring and recreating the various parts, and lets history in the form of pioneers of older times, methods and cultural varieties arouse curiosity and inspiration.

Photo: André Strömqvist


Handbook for stenciling

The Painting Workshop works on renovating old paintings, repainting using old techniques and developing new products inspired by the traditional painting of the Hälsingland farms. The Painting Workshop holds lectures and workshops on painting at the World Heritage Farms in Hälsingland.

Anna-Carin Åsbrink has been working with old painting techniques for over 40 years and shares here the many skills in stencil painting she has accumulated over the years.

The 24-page booklet describes stenciling on walls, borders and blinds. Includes tips on tools, techniques and color mixing of egg oil tempera. It also describes paintings from Hälsingland, which at the same time is universal for all stencil painting.


Historic oil paints in architecture and restoration

Historic oil paints in architecture and restoration is a thorough presentation of the composition of the linseed oil paints used in Swedish building painting from the 18th century onwards.

It provides a clear but multifaceted picture of how recipes have varied over different periods and how they have been adapted to different substrates.


How crofts and farms are renovated

The book tells in an easy-to-understand and inspiring way, in text and pictures, how to carefully care for and repair old houses. The measures suggested aim to restore a house as faithfully as possible to its original state. Old tried and tested materials and methods are discussed, with a special chapter devoted to gardens and plants. Richly illustrated edition. A bible for building preservationists. 320 pages. Photos in b/w and in color.


How the villa was built 1890-2010

Så byggdes villan is a unique exposé of a significant part of our cultural heritage – the everyday architecture of villa construction in Sweden. The book shows typical villas and characteristic building details decade by decade, from the first villas built in the 1890s to villas built in the first decade of the 2000s. Style ideals have varied over different time periods. Architecture, floor plans, structures and interiors have changed with the times. The general features of this development are shown here through a variety of new accurate illustrations in scale. Each villa has its own history and its own conditions. For the homeowner who wants to renovate his house with period carpentry, there is a drawing section with carpentry and building details, such as floor plinths, window linings and ceiling moldings.


Interior renovation

“Interior Renovation” is the fourth book in the series – Building Care in Practice. The book is about the houses inside, why they look the way they do, about the tradition behind it, about the craftsmanship and last but not least about how to renovate so that these qualities do not disappear.

It deals with carpentry profiles, fittings, floors, ceilings and walls, stairs, kitchens and kitchen fittings, sanitary facilities, electricity and lighting in a way that shows that the old is an asset rather than an obstacle when living in the house.

The book, which focuses on houses from the 18th to the 20th century, also shows appropriate compromises, as the old inevitably clashes with the modern.


Iron sheet, writing

Instructions for maintenance and repair. The booklet deals with how to maintain and repair old sheet metal roofs, without losing the cultural-historical values. The emphasis in the booklet is on the workmanship and also addresses old solutions for gutters, window sills and other important details. Richly illustrated.


It’s in the walls

Many of us love old houses, the atmosphere they give you, the secrets and questions they hide and pose: What did the house look like originally? Has it always been here? Who has lived here before me?

Sweden has a unique treasure trove of archived material that can tell us so much about our houses and their inhabitants throughout history. This is by no means limited to castles and manor houses. There is also a lot to tell about our country houses, detached houses, city apartments and suburban villas. You just need to know where to look.

In this book, architectural historian Erika Åberg wants to take us by the hand and tell us how we can find the history of our houses, and how we can best utilize different buildings and their annual rings. She does this by telling inspiring stories, guiding us to different archives and showing us how to best interpret a building, exterior and interior.

There are plenty of in-depth examples from the TV program of the same name, but it’s a book that stands on its own, with solid advice on building styles through the ages, building conservation and restoration tips.


Landtmann buildings

Agricultural architect Charles Emil Löfvenskiöld (1810-1888) dreamed of reforming the Swedish countryside. A new architecture characterized by both beauty and rationality would combat poverty and misery. Bright, spacious and well-planned houses for both humans and animals were the basis for a humane and prosperous society. Only when the practical was also beautiful was it truly functional.

The purpose of the publication Landtmannabyggnader, hufvudsakligen för mindre jordbruk from 1868 was to disseminate the new findings in affordable and educational booklets with clear drawings and explanatory texts. Today, the work is an architectural classic that has had a major impact on Swedish building culture.

This reproduction is supplemented by an appendix with drawings by Löfvenskiöld’s pupil and longtime collaborator Pehr August Pettersson (1841-1906). They were originally published in his Landtmannabyggnader: ritningar för alla områden inom landthushållningen from 1891, a sequel and tribute to Löfvenskiöld’s classic work.


Log house, writing

Supervision and repair. No building type has such historical roots as the log house. It has been a house for both the common man and the gentry and has come to characterize our older building environment to a great extent.

The report shows how log houses can be cared for and repaired to preserve their heritage value. The key is careful supervision and repairs that are adapted to the authentic log technique.

The report is written for both property owners and construction professionals. Richly illustrated.


Painted floors

“Painted Floors” is the fifth book in the “Building Care in Practice” series.

It covers all kinds of wooden floors, both indoor and outdoor. From barn floors to checkered 18th century floors and solid colored floors from the 19th and 20th centuries.

The last floor among the book’s examples was painted just a few years ago. A living tradition, then! The book is practically organized and above all intended to serve as a solid instruction for those who want to paint themselves.

Richly illustrated with scale models, color recipes and other tips. The visual material consists of photos, drawings and watercolors.


Period kitchens & bathrooms 1880-2000

The book provides an illustrative picture of the standard and style development of kitchens and bathrooms in Sweden’s apartment buildings and detached houses. The design and equipment of kitchens and bathrooms follow the spirit of the times through the decades, both technically and functionally. At the same time, history bears clear traces of how the view of housework and life in the home has changed over time.

The story begins in the 1880s, when many cities are growing rapidly in the wake of industrialization. There is a housing shortage and economic conditions are tight. Homes are heated by tiled stoves or fireplaces, food is cooked on wood stoves and there are dry toilets in the yard. 120 years later, in 2000, when the story ends, high standards in kitchens and bathrooms are a matter of course. New trends follow one another and many kitchens and bathrooms are torn out and rebuilt, long before it is technically necessary.

Increased knowledge of period interiors is a valuable basis for conservation, renovation and remodeling. Inspiration can be drawn from the floor plans, kitchen layouts and furnishings of different periods.

Cecilia Björk architect SAR/MSA and Laila Reppen architect SAR/MSA are authors and illustrators of books such as Så byggdes husen 1880-2000, Så byggdes staden, Så byggdes villan and Tidstypiskt. Gustav Bergström, “Rävjägaren”, is a civil engineer as well as a writer and opinion leader in architecture and building conservation.

The book is nominated for Book of the Year 2020.


Please keep me safe!

Building conservation and reuse

How did a dilapidated barn, an abandoned croft, a crumbling manor house, an uninhabitable military barracks and a smelly city apartment get a new lease of life and a new soul? Where did they start? How did they know where to look? And what did they skip?

About the author: Göran Gudmundsson’s new major book is a goldmine for anyone who loves old houses with tradition and flair. Here he tells the story of five comprehensive renovation projects with widely differing conditions. With great expertise, he describes the whole process – before, during and after – and shows in detail how to find the traces of the old, look for renovation materials, color and wallpaper. And not least, how to deal with the various options available. How should you think about original colors and old building materials – if you are also going to live in the house? Is it right or wrong?

“Many people think that building conservation is not for them. I want to change that. I want to show that EVERYONE – not just owners of old houses but also those who have an older apartment, who want to convert an abandoned farmhouse into a holiday home or are just generally interested in the environment and recycling – can find inspiration in the old way of building and decorating. Because if you choose to build new with old methods and used materials, you also get the soul in the bargain.”


Relocation of old houses

Moving Old Houses is the first book in the series – Building Conservation in Practice.

The book describes, step by step, how the work of moving an old house is done. Documentation, research into the history of the house, marking, demolition and reconstruction. The construction of the log house, from foundation and frame to finishes and permanent fixtures, is also described in detail. The book is compulsory reading for anyone intending to move an old wooden house, but even if you are only renovating a wooden house on site, you will get a lot of valuable advice.

Various principles of reconstruction are discussed, as well as the choice of craftsmen and methods and materials for interior renovation. Invaluable knowledge for those working with older houses.


Swedish Grace a forgotten modernism

Swedish Grace is a term coined by contemporaries to denote neoclassical Swedish design from the 1910s and 1920s.

The most representative buildings from this era, such as the Stockholm City Library by Gunnar Asplund, the Resurrection Chapel by Sigurd Lewerentz and the Stockholm Concert Hall by Ivar Tengbom, are all world-famous, and most of what was built during the period is among the most highly regarded architecture in Sweden.

In this anthology, specialists from Sweden as well as other countries discuss different perspectives on Swedish Grace and show aspects that are still relevant today.


The big book on building conservation

Stora boken om byggnadsvård is the bible for anyone who longs for an old house. Göran Gudmundsson, founder of the Gysinge Center for Building Conservation, writes knowledgeably and passionately about renovation inside and out, in the city and in the country. Here you get answers to everything you need to know about old houses, from foundation to chimney. And help you think. Both in terms of maintenance and choice of renovation materials, as well as how to solve requirements for functioning kitchens, bathrooms and heating, without losing the genuine feeling. Knowledge of building historical style ideals, and why our old houses look the way they do, is mixed with recipes for mud paint and linseed oil paint, tips on how to paint stencils, print wallpaper borders, repair tiles, soap scrub floors and renovate windows – a lot of concrete advice for those who want to try it themselves.

A practical book about tradition, comfort, quality and reuse for those who want to create a home with soul! The book can be seen as a continuation of Göran Gudmundsson’s popular book series “Byggnadsvård i praktiken”.


The custodian’s library

Byggnadsvårdarens bibliotek is a collection of Gysinge’s own useful book series – Byggnadsvård i praktiken. Written by Göran Gudmundsson, one of the enthusiasts and founders of Gysinge Center for Building Conservation. Cardboard box in matte paper.

The books are invaluable for anyone who owns or has recently bought an old house that needs looking after. They provide in-depth practical tips, advice on construction, style eras, restoration and approaches to building care for the different areas indicated by the books’ titles:

Relocation of old houses

The heat in old houses

Exterior renovation

Interior renovation

Painted floors

The books can also be purchased separately, but the package price for the collected books is significantly cheaper.


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