1% Unburnt umber is a light color with a slightly nougat feel, reminiscent of white chocolate. A beautiful pleasant color.
Nearest NCS S 1005-Y40R
(The color reproduction on the screen is not 100% accurate).
The matte linseed oil paint is a linseed oil paint with an incredibly fast drying time (four hours), even if you paint it thickly. It does not even wrinkle. It looks like glue paint, but it is so much easier to paint with.
The history of our colors:
Even King Gustaf III fell in love with monochrome walls. During his and the court’s trip to Italy in 1783-84, he was deeply taken by classical painting with elegantly plain walls and borders, often in strongly divergent colors.
In Pompeii, for example, he saw files of rooms in yellow, pink, blue and green, a fashion that he and his architects and craftsmen were then able to introduce in Sweden. We understand that his ideas blew the air out of the then overblown Rococo. Imagine that solid colors could be so beautiful! Imagine that natural pigments could make walls so vibrant! And how harmonious and peaceful it becomes.
The color choices of the late Gustavian era lived on throughout the 19th century. The Charles John era, for example, loved solid colors.
Solid-colored walls received another boost at the beginning of the 20th century, and were also an important element of the sparse functionalist style.
Imagine an elegant manor house in a variety of colors, or a small cottage that suddenly becomes calm and exclusive thanks to the flour-matted, solid-colored walls.
And for those who want to recreate an absolutely definite era, you can combine with stretcher bars in models from the 18th to 20th century.
Or you can paint with stencils (using the same matte linseed oil paint!)
Or why not delineate the ceiling with a gold baguette strip or just a brush stroke in the wall color?
Here you have “Culture in a can”. Just open the can and paint. Not only those who live in a cultural center, but also those who live with latex and fiberglass.
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