Type of paint: Sludge paint for outdoor use made from pigment, stone ground rye flour and water. Linseed oil added in all colors except Red Ochre.
Characteristics: Lightweight. Opaque. Easy to renew and maintain.
Suitable for: Unplaned timber, old or new. Adheres best to timber and sawn surfaces. If you want to paint on planed surfaces, these can be left unpainted for a year so that the wood surface has time to rise first. Excellent on previously sludge-painted surfaces. Sludge paint also adheres to gutters, valve grilles, list covers and other details of galvanized sheet metal. Leave the sheet unpainted for one or two winters first, and the paint will adhere better.
Consumption: One liter is enough for 3-5 square meters on a normally absorbent surface. Note! Expect a 25 percent increase in the actual facade area of an unpaneled log house or a house with a thick cover strip panel. When repainting, two coats are usually required. When repainting, one is usually enough.
Colors: The paint is available in about ten basic colors. The basic colors can also be mixed together to create other shades. Unlike the other colors, white sludge paint should not be painted unbroken, as it quickly becomes ugly as it ages. Before any color change, the surface should be scrubbed clean of loose pigments and paint layers, preferably with Gysinge’s paint wash and rinsed with water.
Gloss: Matt.
Durability: First time 5-10 years. When repainted 10-15 years.
Thinning: Not normally needed. However, sometimes the paint may be too thick in the can. Then you can dilute with water to normal consistency.
Tools: Horn sucker or painting brush.
Drying time: Normally 1-2 hours. Overpaintable after 24 hours at the earliest.
Storage: Cool but frost-free. If stored for a long time, the paint may thicken. The paint may mold if the jar is left open for a long time.
Brush wash: Water and linseed oil soap. Rinse the brush thoroughly.
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