SKU: 3091-77

The tiled stove in Sweden


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Weight 1.71 kg

Stolpe Publishing House







Part of a series



C. Frängsmyr, K.Grandin, Mr. Perers, C.Pettersson, S.Scherman. A.Stjernberg, L.Rollenhagen Tilly, B. Vahlne. V. Wenander, S. Helmbaek Tirén

The tiled stove in Sweden – part two in the series Perspectives from the Engelsberg World Heritage Site.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, the tiled stove remained by far the most important source of heat in Swedish homes. Both the technology and the aesthetics were refined, even though the same basic principle is still used today in tiled stove installations. Today, the tiled stove is an important example of the Enlightenment’s work with technology, science and craftsmanship.

In 1767, the architect and superintendent Carl Johan Cronstedt presented a memorial entitled “Beskrifning på Ny Inrättning af Kakelugnar til Weds Besparing för Rikets råd”. It described a revolutionary construction that would change Swedish architecture and housekeeping for the next hundred and fifty years: the modern tiled stove.

The anthology is part of the series Perspectives from the Engelsberg Mill World Heritage Site. Previously published titles in the series are Tapeter genom tiderna. Future titles will also include Gardens during the age of the mills.

The editors-in-chief are Kurt Almqvist and Svante Helmbaek Tirén.


The tiled stove in Sweden – part two in the series Perspectives from the Engelsberg World Heritage Site.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, the tiled stove remained by far the most important source of heat in Swedish homes. Both the technology and the aesthetics were refined, even though the same basic principle is still used today in tiled stove installations. Today, the tiled stove is an important example of the Enlightenment’s work with technology, science and craftsmanship.

In 1767, the architect and superintendent Carl Johan Cronstedt presented a memorial entitled “Beskrifning på Ny Inrättning af Kakelugnar til Weds Besparing för Rikets råd”. It described a revolutionary construction that would change Swedish architecture and housekeeping for the next hundred and fifty years: the modern tiled stove.

The anthology is part of the series Perspectives from the Engelsberg Mill World Heritage Site. Previously published titles in the series are Tapeter genom tiderna. Future titles will also include Gardens during the age of the mills.

The editors-in-chief are Kurt Almqvist and Svante Helmbaek Tirén.

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Weight 1.71 kg

Stolpe Publishing House







Part of a series



C. Frängsmyr, K.Grandin, Mr. Perers, C.Pettersson, S.Scherman. A.Stjernberg, L.Rollenhagen Tilly, B. Vahlne. V. Wenander, S. Helmbaek Tirén


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