Stylistic shifts in everyday architecture
Tidstypiskt gives those who influence and develop residential buildings and interiors a tool to base long-term sustainable management and development of the building stock on knowledge of existing values.
The authors take us on a hundred-year journey through stylistic changes in everyday architecture. Typical building details from Stockholm are presented decade by decade. From the classicist architecture of the 1880s via the stripped-down functionalism of the 1930s to the 1970s return to the grammar of the stone city as an ideal.
The building details vary with the prevailing architectural style, from the composition of the facades to the division of the windows and the design of the door handles. The reader is given the opportunity to learn and interpret the buildings and details of different periods. Knowledge provides richer experiences and constantly new impressions of everyday architecture – our built cultural heritage.
Photographs and drawings clearly show the development of residential buildings in the city and the traces left by different styles.
A drawing section makes it possible to date door linings and floor plinths – or to use the drawings to make new ones.
The book is aimed at architects, real estate developers, property managers, property owners, but also at housing associations and homeowners. The book is also suitable for teaching purposes.
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