Great for repairing glaze damage on tiled stoves etc.
Pond varnish is traditionally used on tiled stoves instead of linseed oil paint. This is because pond varnish does not turn yellow when the stove gets hot.
Prepare the duster solution in the same way as when making linseed oil paint. Stir the color pigments with the dust solution to form a porridge. Then dilute with additional solution to the appropriate consistency. If the kiln is really old and dull, you can dilute the colored duster solution with turpentine, so that it becomes less shiny. If the damage to the glaze consists only of small scratches or occasional chips, it is usually sufficient to paint over them with a dusting solution as above, and omit the plasterwork altogether. With the right color in the wounds, they will disappear to the eye anyway. Repeat the treatment if the paint did not cover enough the first time.
Tips! V years of experience is that Gysinge linseed oil paint does not yellow like others. Therefore, as an alternative to a dust solution, try painting the damage with Gysinge paint instead.
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