
Gysinge Byggnadsvård has two stores. One in Gysinge, Gästrikland and one on Birger Jarlsgatan, Stockholm. Here you will find opening hours, contact information and a calendar for the different stores.

Store Gysinge


May 1, 2025
May 30, 2025

Opening hours



We are located in Gysinge, Gästrikland, between Uppsala, Gävle and Avesta. However, most of our customers travel considerably further than that to visit us. In our exhibition area you can stroll for a long time and get inspiration, tips and instructions for how to build and renovate in a good way in terms of building conservation.

Our café is open during the summer, and on some weekends during the winter. See the café’s Instagram page for exact times and dates.

Tips for your visit
Please make sure that the item is at home before you set off on a long-distance trip. You can see under each product how many copies we have at home. It is also possible to email the store to make sure that we have what you want.

Tag us #Gysingebutiken

Store Stockholm


May 1, 2025
May 30, 2025

Opening hours



Welcome to our store at Birger Jarlsgatan 65. Here you will find a complete range of Gysinge’s different types of paint and colors.

We occasionally organize courses and lectures for our customers. If you are interested in our activities, sign up for Gysinge’s newsletter and receive information about our activities directly in your email inbox.

The Stockholm store carries all Gysinge products, except for the largest furniture. If you are interested in something from the largest range, we will quickly and easily order it from the Gysinge warehouse.


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